Mānawatia a Matariki

July 2, 2024

Part two.

I hope you made the most of the long weekend by gathering for feasting and storytelling, strengthening bonds, and passing on traditions. You know I love the summer months, but winter brings its own goodness, like snuggling up with loved ones around a fire! There's somet...
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Part one.

Kia ora  to the winter months and the dazzling beauty of our southern skies! I hope some of you were lucky enough to catch the Aurora Australis. WHAT a precious curtain raiser to the magic of Matariki! I wanted to do something a little different this time and offer...
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Kia ora,This month I’ve mostly been consuming amphibians. OK, let’s clear that up.“Eat the frog” was coined by motivational speaker Brian Tracy and means dealing with difficult and tedious tasks before doing the ones you’d like to do. And it works!Maybe it’s the ...
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Episode 20 of A Seat at the Table is with guest, Kim Hill, Founder of Stratigi, Coach, Marketing Expert and Māori Business Leader.Kim is a passionate business owner and mentor supporting businesses in leadership. Kim unpacks the mountain top moments and deep valley challeng...
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Well, here we are whānau! Nearly at the end of 2023! What a ride! This last quarter has been filled with traveling all around the motu, making the Māori Women’s Development business awards – where I was proud to see several of my clients as nominees/winners– and just...
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That's a wrap!

November 30, 2023

That's a wrap!

Thank you for all the great feedback I have received in response to my posts over the last 20 days, and for all your support over the last 20 years.  Hopefully you’ll all know now that I eat, sleep, and breathe strategy and fill my cup equipping and inspiring others.Y...
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And we have 20 days of content for you, a must to read and get amongst it!

20 years ago I started my own business consultancy Stratigi Turning 20 in business has been very reflective for me. Only 25% make it beyond 15 years and there’s been plenty of blood, sweat and tears along the way – and not always my own! So I’m a little bit o...
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Chilly days are here, but how gorgeous has the sunshine been? Mother Nature is still dealing out some tough times to many Kiwis and my heart goes out to you all. This is the time to rug up and get cosy. A bit restrictive for a summer bunny like me, but I’m embracing i...
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Kia ora 

Clocks turned back, firewood stacked, winter blankets unpacked?Yep. Winter. Is. On. Its. Way. So summer was a dead loss, but believe me, there is PLENTY to get excited about over the next few weeks. I love this time of year for soooo many different reasons. Matariki com...
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Kiwi resilience

February 25, 2023
Kia ora First of all, my heart goes out to the North Island, Hawkes Bay and everyone affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. Summer is hitting us with everything but those beautiful sunny days we know and love. Please stay safe and look after each other.  As I watched the d...
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