
Big growth… for a little change

I often say that starting up is a whole lot easier than the growth stage. That’s where the real challenges come. Why?

To achieve growth, you must have a desire to adapt to change. ‘Change’. Such a little word that comes with a whole lot of baggage and a whole lot of misconceptions. When I say that six-letter word to clients, one of two things happens. They go running for cover, or they say, ‘Sure. What can we change?’

It’s hard to move forward when you’ve been in business for a while. You establish set ways of doing things (consciously and subconsciously) and you learn to juggle multiple things at a time or give up some of the ways you’ve done things. 
And what worked for you once might not work this time around. You’re different. The business is different. Today’s challenges are not yesterday’s. 
It’s like driving in the fog on a wintery Waikato day. You can’t see too far ahead so you need to remain on your toes and aware – so that you can navigate where you want to go. Change and growth in business is always the unknown. 
So often our business plans or action plans need to be more action-oriented with the ability to remain agile. Could you even spot when growth is coming at you from the other direction? Would you even recognise it if it did? 
When we experience growth, we need to ensure that we have the right systems, structures and people in the right place to cope with that.
For example, when we grow in personnel, we need to have good systems to support them as we are no longer able to have a quick-fire meeting with 3-10 people to tell them what we are doing, or our divisions grow. We need to up our investment or debt to take the next leap, and innovate and CHANGE.

Don’t be terrified of change. It is not a frightening word. And in my (many years of coaching) experience (!) I know it can be transformative, inspirational, and even cleansing – once you embrace the idea that you need to do things differently.
My goal is to attract those who want an action-based coach and growth strategist with grit – where the rubber hits the road with someone (me) who makes s@#$ happen. One of the best parts of being a coach is when you guide an owner, manager or entrepreneur who is open to change, embraces it, and tackles it head-on. It’s my ambrosia.
And that brings me nicely to support. If you are struggling, I urge you to seek as much help as you can as we head on into summer. Not just when it comes to the health and wellbeing of your business, but also the health and wellbeing of YOU.
You may have missed last week’s Government announcement – setting up a $50m fund for business advice, and $10m to help with mental health and wellbeing, delivered through the Regional Business Partner Network, who I work with closely.
Talking of change, I wouldn’t be a very good coach if I didn’t practice what I preach. Last, but not least, I’ve been involved in some change myself. I’m really excited to launch my new-look website at stratigi.com!

Resources to help your business grow, case studies, testimonials, you name it, it’s all there for you! Please take a look, get in contact and let me know what you think!
Go easy, and go easy on yourself in these times. Take care.